Private Equity Advisory for institutional investors and family offices with a focus on Europe and the emerging markets

We invest our clients’ resources in selected private equity funds through primary investments and/or by buying existing fund units in secondary transactions, applying the strictest selection criteria in both cases. As there is a very considerable difference in realised returns between top decile fund managers and the rest, the selection and access to the best fund managers is key for the success of the investment.

We have access to the best private equity fund-of-funds and fund managers and have built up our reputation in the last two decades not least as a result of our very high due diligence requirements. We attach considerable importance to the ethical and sustainable aspects of a specific investment strategy.

We analyse target funds by per­forming a relevant competitors bench­marking in a speci­fic market seg­ment. In doing so we use our in-house data­base with a pro­prietary rating system, complemen­ted with external data­bases as neces­sary. Our ra­ting system is the basis for fund selection, with the aim of building up a balanced port­folio on the basis of a consistent and proven selection pro­cess.

Secondary transactions have the ad­vantage of general­ly tying up less capital and allowing for quicker capital distri­butions. Further­more, they are a good instru­ment to enable an im­mediate diversi­fication of the port­folio by establishing new positions in different geo­graphies, vin­tages, sec­tors and type of fund managers. The analysis of these managers and under­lying investee company invest­ments is per­formed on the basis of similar criteria as for a primary fund invest­ment.
