Private equity as an asset class shows a high variance in achievable returns. It is therefore very important to obtain access to the best investment opportunities. International networks are an essential precondition for investment success. Being part of these networks is what makes the difference between outstanding private equity managers and the rest.
Over the last two decades we have analysed many thousands of investment projects and in doing so have progressively built up our network of relationships with the best private equity fund managers in Europe, the USA and the Emerging Markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our investment track record is evidence for that. We maintain ongoing relationships with these managers based on mutual trust, not least since their performance is significantly higher and generally more sustainable over time than the performance of other managers.
We have not limited ourselves to fund managers and projects from the buy-out/buy-in and growth financing segments but have also extended our network to take in managers who have successfully specialised in niche investment themes, for instance distressed debt, turnarounds, mezzanine, infrastructure, renewable energy or other sector-specific themes.
Finally, our contacts in the investor community also ensure a continuous and high-quality flow of investment opportunities, especially with regard to secondary transactions, direct corporate investments, and real assets projects.